2 min read

200 Surgeons get hands-on with our tablets

How a multinational medical device manufacturer created an engaging, informative and insightful symposium on developments in trauma surgery with our solutions.

How a multinational medical device manufacturer created an engaging, informative and insightful symposium on developments in trauma surgery with our solutions.

The client wanted to impress delegates with the latest technology instead of just providing information through ordinary lectures and PowerPoint slides. Through a series of case studies and interactive voting, we allowed 200 surgeons to share best practices with others in their field.

They also wanted delivery of the sessions to be done in a seamless and polished way.

To facilitate the client’s requirements, we provided each delegate with a tablet equipped with case study background, surgery photos and detailed x-rays.

Following guest speaker presentations, slide information was paused at crucial points so that delegates saw just enough information that they could vote from a range of options on:

  • their preferred treatment
  • how they would deal with complications
  • their aftercare method

Voting results were displayed instantly and fuelled further audience discussion. Delegates not only felt inspired to share their knowledge by asking questions but also sent in their comments on their devices.

Comments were monitored by the conference moderator using another tablet and could be forwarded to the main stage for the attention of the stage presenter. A giant twitter-style feed on screens placed outside the main room enabled hosts to update delegates with event updates.

Delegates enjoyed the interactive element of the sessions, where they discussed their techniques in a large forum, and learnt best practices from others in their field.

Thanks for the hard work and excellent execution. The technicians were superb and we would like to thank the team for everything.

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