1 min read

Rugby World Cup 2015

Over the years we have provided custom solutions for many events, so it was a pleasure to be asked to create one for an event linked to the Rugby World Cup held in the UK in 2015.

Over the years we have provided custom solutions for many events, so it was a pleasure to be asked to create one for an event linked to the Rugby World Cup held in the UK in 2015.

150 guests were invited to a breakfast event organised by one of the main sponsors, at which they could participate in a discussion led by some renowned international players.

We created an app that allowed guests to select their World Cup ‘dream team’ during the breakfast networking session. In addition, the guests could vote on which country they thought was going to win the competition overall.

The application was graphical and extremely intuitive with no instructions necessary. It was available on our kiosk stands and also on smaller hand-held tablets.

Once the breakfast had finished and the discussion began, the data was available instantly so that the audience’s collective ‘dream team’ could be displayed to compare with that of the guest panellists.

The voting results for the overall winner were also shown and discussed.

Once the event had concluded, individual emails were sent to each of the guests containing their individual ‘dream team’ selections.

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