3 min read

Using Messaging at Events

Helpful hints on how to maximise engagement and value using messaging at your Events.

Helpful hints on how to maximise engagement and value using messaging at your Events.

The people who attend your events will always want to be involved and consulted. Organisers need to be able to hear what they are saying. A great way of facilitating this is by using messaging. Messaging gives delegates the confidence to send in their comments freely, without worrying about speaking in front of a large group of people, or interrupting the event itself.

Here are our top tips to maximise its benefits.

1. Use an ice-breaker

One of the most simple and effective ways of getting things flowing is by using an ice-breaker. Ask your delegates to text in how they are feeling at the start of the conference session and not only are you helping them to settle in but you are also familiarising them with the technology they will be using during the event. Other ice breaker suggestions we have seen clients use include: asking audience members their favourite colour, how they travelled to the meeting or their favoured superpower if they could have one.

2. Let your audience’s comments focus the main discussion

At one notable event, a CEO asked delegates to send in the issues that they wanted to discuss, and these formed the basis of the meeting agenda. This resulted in delegates being more in control of the meeting content and ensured the CEO tackled the topics delegates wanted to be addressed.

3. Generate ideas

One retailer asked their employees for suggestions for improving their customer service, no matter how trivial they appeared. Another client used messaging to establish how engaged their clients felt within the business.

4. Spark discussion

See your delegates’ incoming comments instantly and send them to other presenters for follow up during the session. You can send approved questions and comments back to all delegates and let them ‘up vote’ the ones they like. This allows them to establish the priority or importance of questions and shape any subsequent discussion.

5. Let delegates inform you

Delegates can also provide you with their thoughts, comments and questions. They can tell you first-hand how useful conference sessions have been, which ones they have found to be the most beneficial and can also enable them to submit their questions. Another effective way is to use messaging as a platform to share knowledge and techniques. A medical seminar for 300 surgeons encouraged delegates to send in their best practices on trauma surgery which led to a much bigger debate.

6. Q & A

Create an effective question and answer session-avoiding the need for you having to run around the floor with a microphone. Let your delegates tell you the questions they want answered at any point during the event without them having to ‘wait their turn’. As questions are sent in instantly, you do not have to worry about your delegates feeling shy or nervous about contributing.

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